Surge & Lightning Protection

Surge & Lightning Protection

Averge Technologies’ Surge and Lightning Protection Division’s mission is to provide comprehensive, state-of-the-art protection services against the potentially devastating effects of surge and lightning events, including load shedding, dirty power, under voltage, and overvoltage.


Our Surge and Lightning Protection Division is dedicated to offering a wide range of specialized services, including:


  • Detailed engineering and cost-optimized designs
  • Drawings and mounting details
  • Bill of materials
  • Specifications
  • Calculations of separation distances
  • Complete lightning protection systems
  • Risk analysis and assessments
  • Soil resistivity testing
  • LPS inspections, system tests, and COC
  • Earthing tests and designs
  • Compact LPS training courses

The system, application, and special seminars on topics such as separation distance, photovoltaics, wind turbines, industrial plants, and hazard alarm systems.

Our dedicated team of experts works tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of your assets and infrastructure. We are committed to providing top-notch services, leveraging the latest technologies and best practices in the industry. With Averge Technologies’ Surge and Lightning Protection Division on your side, you can have complete confidence in the resilience of your systems against the destructive forces of surge and lightning events.

Products and Insurance

Surge and lightning protection for industrial, commercial, agricultural and domestic use.

When planning your energy requirements and needs, talk to us so we can assist in optimising your solution for the best possible return on your investment.